Connecting Across America’s Political Divides - with KRCB and StoryCorps

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Descripción del programa


Enjoy a film screening of Rise for America (50 min) join a community conversation hosted by the Sonoma County Alliance of Braver Angels. Learn about StoryCorps' One Small Step initiative to foster empathy and compassion within your community.

In partnership with KRCB, Braver Angels, and StoryCorps.


The One Small Step community conversation project, that invites strangers with differing political views, to sit down for a 50 minute conversation, not a debate, but an opportunity to hear each other's life stories.

Learn more:

Descargo de responsabilidad

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Se recomienda el registro avanzado, para recibir un recordatorio del evento por correo electrónico. Registro avanzado no es obligatorio, ¡Visitas sin cita estan bienvenidas!

Este programa estará presentado en ingles.