Money Smart: School Supplies Store with Lunch at the Library

Solapas principales

Tipo de programa:

Educación y universidad, STEAM
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Descripción del programa


Money Smart: School Supplies Store

Enjoy Lunch at the Library and stay to "shop" for school supplies

August 1-3 from 12:30pm-1:30pm

For students going into grades Kinder-12

Get ready for back to school and learn about money by shopping for your school supplies

"Shop" for school supplies with Otto Bucks

"Rent" art supplies and a button maker to decorate your new backpack


All materials are free. One backpack and set of school supplies per student.

First come, first served while supplies last.

Descargo de responsabilidad

Disponibilidad limitada de kits

Los kits están disponibles por orden de llegada. Mientras duren las reservas. Límite de uno por persona.