Program Description
U.S. Citizenship Classes in Spanish (Clases de Ciudadanía en Español Gratis.)
The free classes are designed to help students prepare for the U.S. Citizenship interview.
The class will be on Tuesdays, starting September 12, 2023, 5:30-7:30 pm. No class on October 17. The final class is November 7.
Petaluma Regional Library, 100 Fairgrounds Dr., Petaluma, CA 94952
People are eligible to take the U.S. Citizenship test in Spanish if they meet one of these requirements:
- At least 50 years old and 20 years of residency
- At least 55 years old and 15 years of residency
- At least 65 years old and 20 years of residency
All instruction and materials will be in the Spanish language. (Citizenship classes in English are taught by the Petaluma Adult School).