Meet the Director

Stop by for a casual conversation and get to know Sonoma County Library Director, Erika Thibault.

If the room meets a maximum capacity of 50, we will admit entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Spanish interpretation available upon request with 10 days advance notice.


(707) 545-0831 Ext. 1553

Pokemon Club

Solapas principales

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
El registro para este evento se cerrará en

Descripción del programa


Join us every Sunday for Pokemon Club! (for ages 10-17)

1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month will be dedicated to learning how to play and casual games.

4th Sundays of the month will be dedicated to Tournaments.

If and when there is a 5th Sunday of the month, there will be a casual hangout!


For youth ages 10-17


Join our Gym:


Descargo de responsabilidad

Capacidad del cuarto

Si el cuarto cumple con la capacidad máxima, admitiremos la entrada por orden de llegada. Si hay registro asociado con el evento, revisaremos la lista de registro y mantendremos el lugar por 10 minutos antes de admitir participantes sin cita previa.