Pins & Needles: Beginner Sewing Class!

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Age Group:

Adult, Senior
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Program Description


Join us to create a tote bag, pillowcase, potholders, aprons, and fabric baskets. We will also cover sewing basics like threading, bobbins, cleaning your machine, and changing the needle on your sewing machine. We welcome everybody who wants to learn sewing skills, make new friends, and create. All materials are provided free of charge by the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild. All classes are a series of lessons; at each class we make a different project


Únase con nosotros para crear un bolso de mano, una funda de almohada, agarraderas, delantales y cestas de tela. También cubriremos los conceptos básicos de costura como enhebrado, bobinas, limpieza de su máquina y cambio de aguja en su máquina de coser. Damos la bienvenida a todos los que quieran aprender a coser, hacer nuevos amigos, y crear. Todos los materiales proporcionados sin cargo por Santa Rosa Quilt Guild. Todas las clases son parte de una serie de lecciones; en cada clase hacemos un proyecto diferente.


Advance Registration Encouraged

Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!

Room Capacity

If the room meets maximum capacity, we will admit entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. 


English with Spanish Translation

This event is in English with a Spanish interpreter.