Meet the Director

Stop by for a casual conversation and get to know Sonoma County Library Director, Erika Thibault.

If the room meets a maximum capacity of 50, we will admit entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Spanish interpretation available upon request with 10 days advance notice.


(707) 545-0831 Ext. 1553

Family Storytime at the Sonoma Valley Library

Solapas principales

Tipo de programa:

Hora de cuentos

Grupo de edad:

Bebé -preescolar (0-5)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Descripción del programa


Welcome back to Family Storytime at the Sonoma Valley Regional Library!

We welcome families with young children back to in-person storytime to read, move, and learn together.

Be ready to sing, dance, and play with your child!

Storytime is from 11-11:30.

Stay and play with other families from 11:30-noon!

No registration required.