Tai Chi with David Chung

Solapas principales

Tipo de programa:

Salud y bienestar
Registration for this event will close on Julio 12, 2024 @ 10:00am.
There are 32 seats remaining.

Descripción del programa


Learn the ancient Asian exercise form to promote balance, relaxation, motion, health, harmony, stability, and inner power.  

David Chung teaches Tai Chi for the Redwood Empire Chinese Association, and specializes in teaching beginners and offering adaptations for people with limited motion.

Everyone welcome!

Descargo de responsabilidad

Se recomienda el registro avanzado

Se recomienda el registro avanzado, para recibir un recordatorio del evento por correo electrónico. Registro avanzado no es obligatorio, ¡Visitas sin cita estan bienvenidas!


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