Tipo de programa:
Alfabetización para adultos, Enriquecimiento, Equidad e inclusión, Inglés como segundo idioma y aprendizaje de idiomasGrupo de edad:
AdultosDescripción del programa
Gain confidence in speaking French in a supportive and friendly setting. Our French conversation circle is for adults who wish to practice speaking French and improve conversational skills. This class is facilitated by a French language instructor. Basic and experienced French language enthusiasts are welcome. NOTE: This is not a beginning language-learning program. The attendee should have some basic familiarity with French language.
The first 30 minutes will be especially reserved for those who are less confident with their speaking skills. They are also welcome to stay for the duration when conversation level might become more challenging.
The conversation circle will meet at Rincon Valley Library on 3 Tuesdays - March 11, March 18 and March 25 for one and a half hours from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm. (12 - 12:30 for basic French speakers and 12:30 to 1:30 for advanced French speakers.)
Feel free to bring your lunch. Drop-ins welcome, prior registration not required.