Lunch at the Library: Teen Volunteer Orientation

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Age Group:

Teens (Grades 7-12)
Registration for this event will close on May 15, 2025 @ 3:00pm.
Allowed Ages: 13 to 18
There are 8 seats remaining.

Program Description


Please note: Registration required to attend orientation! Scroll to bottom of page to register.

Are you a teen interested in volunteering for Lunch at the Library at the Rohnert Park-Cotati Regional Library? Bring the attached Volunteer Packet signed by both you and your parent/guardian to the orientation. If you cannot print it, pick up a packet at the library reference desk. Orientation will go over the rules of volunteering and a short in-person interview with the Teen Librarian. Orientation will count as your first hour volunteering. Volunteering should be treated with the same respect as you would a paid job. Meet at the front desk just inside the building with your signed forms at the start of orientation. We look forward to working together!


Advance Registration Required

This program is offered in English.


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Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.