Do you have questions about basic computer skills, digital library resources, email, internet basics, basic computer troubleshooting, or other technology-related issues? Come to Northwest and a library staff member will assist you!
Join us at Sebastopol Regional Library for Baby Time! We'll read, sing, bounce, tickle, and play music. This program is intended for babies and their caregivers.
This program is offered in English.
Bilingual Family Storytime
Bilingual Family Storytime
Unattended Children Policy
Children 8 years old and younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or childcare provider.
Weather and Air Quality
Weather and Air Quality may result in postponement.
Spanish Music & Movement (ages 0-6)
This program is presented in Spanish.
This program is offered in Spanish.
Local nonprofit Better Beginnings for Babies will host these dynamic community circles supporting infant feeding and the postpartum journey. Everyone gets a chance to share. Facilitated by lactation specialists or consultants. No fee.
This program is offered in English.
Join us at the Sonoma Valley Library for Baby StoryTime! We'll read, sing, bounce, tickle, and play music.
Babytime is from 11-11:30am. Stay and Play from 11:30-noon!
This program is offered in English.
One-on-One Tech Help at Rincon Valley
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with Rincon Reference staff for one-on-one assistance every Tuesday, between 11:30am-12:00pm.
This program is offered in English.
Baby Café - Lactation and Postpartum Support
Better Beginnings Baby Cafes are dynamic community circles supporting infant feeding and the postpartum journey. Everyone gets a chance to share. The Baby Cafe is facilitated by lactation specialists or consultants from Better Beginnings.
The Redwood Empire Food Bank will be at Northwest Library to assist people with CalFresh applications from 1pm to 3pm!
Visit Sebastopol Library for Social Service Day, where organizations come to you in one place to better support community needs. This month's confirmed organizations include: California DMV, West County Community Services, Legal Aid of Sonom
Tween Computer Lounge
Join us us for Tween Computer Lounge, where young people use computers and game consoles to play Roblox, Nintendo Switch games, and X-Box games.
This program is offered in English.
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with a Sonoma Valley Reference staff for one-on-one assistance.
Advance Registration Required
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with a Sonoma Valley Reference staff for one-on-one assistance.
Seeds and Reads: Bees Rock!
Join us to learn about bees, our pollinating friends, and recreate their image… in stone! All materials provided. For kids in grades K-6.
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
D&D Adventurers League for Teens
Delve into a dungeon with up to 6 other teenage heroes in a weekly game of D&D Adventurers League for Teens at the Guerneville Library (grades 7-12).
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
This program is offered in English.
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with a Sonoma Valley Reference staff for one-on-one assistance.
Join us to learn about bees, our pollinating friends, and recreate their image… in stone! All materials provided. For kids in grades K-6.
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
Come learn about Japanese culture, discuss your favorite series, and watch an episode of an anime with your fellow teens!
This program is offered in English.
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with a Sonoma Valley Reference staff for one-on-one assistance.
Advance Registration Required
Meet with other teens to discuss books centering LGBTQ+ voices! Meetings are in person, at the Northwest Library (the one by Coddingtown Mall), every 4th Tuesday of the month, from 4:30pm-5:30pm. Print copies of that month’s
This program is offered in English.
Join us for Storytime on the Plaza from 5-7pm on the 4th Tuesdays of every month at the Sonoma Tuesday Night Market!
Weather and Air Quality
Weather and Air Quality may result in postponement.
Come join us on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 for our new sewing club, Alfileres y agujas club de coser /Pins & Needles Sewing Club! |
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
Room Capacity
If the room meets maximum capacity, we will admit entrance on a first-come, first-served basis.
English with Spanish Translation
This event is in English with a Spanish interpreter.
Young Astronomers Club at the Library
Together with the Robert Ferguson Observatory, club members will study the night sky, learn how to use telescopes, meet other kids who are interested in space, and leave with a Young Astronomers membership button!
This program is offered in English.
Meditative Drawing: Tangle Art
Join us to relax and create an amazing piece of art with Romi Marks. Learning to draw with ‘tangles’ is a fun way to create beautiful images.
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
Understanding and Using Social Media for Seniors
Discover how to stay in contact with friends and family online via social media. Understand what social media is and how it works while sampling an overview of social media sites.
Advance Registration Encouraged
Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!
One-on-One Tech Help at Rincon Valley
Have a nagging tech question? Need help borrowing an eBook? What about setting up an email account? Book 30-minutes with Rincon Reference staff for one-on-one assistance every Tuesday, between 6:30pm-7:00pm.
This program is offered in English.
The Yarn Experience
Northwest Library’s fiber arts club, "The Yarn Experience", continues into the spring with expanded hours! Starting in February we will be offering parallel sessions every Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm and every Thursday 11:00am-12:00pm. Feel
Kits limited availability
Kits are available on a first come, first served basis. While supplies last. Limit one per patron.