UC Master Gardeners - A Succulent for Every Garden

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Adult, Senior

Program Description


This talk at Northwest Library has been cancelled but there are more UC Master Gardeners talks this spring. See the link below for the full list. 

Go to https://bit.ly/3yzduxd or http://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/ Upcoming Events to complete your registration. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about attending the library talk.

Learn about home gardening, pest management, water conservation practices, and more from your Sonoma County UC Master Gardeners! Different presentation topic per location.


Advance Registration Encouraged

Advance registration encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Supplies are limited!

Room Capacity

If the room meets maximum capacity, we will admit entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. 


This program is offered in English.