Santa Rosa Symphony Youth Holiday Show

Solapas principales

Grupo de edad:

Todas las edades

Descripción del programa


The Young People’s Chamber Orchestra (YPCO), a string orchestra working without a conductor, is designed to take accomplished young string players and mold them into high-functioning musicians with a complete attentiveness to detail and to each other within the context of the music. 

Currently under the direction of Aaron Westman, the orchestra has been featured as a guest on a New Century Chamber Orchestra performance and has been a winner of the Berkeley Junior Bach Festival.

 santa rosa symphony


Descargo de responsabilidad

Capacidad del cuarto

Si el cuarto cumple con la capacidad máxima, admitiremos la entrada por orden de llegada. Si hay registro asociado con el evento, revisaremos la lista de registro y mantendremos el lugar por 10 minutos antes de admitir participantes sin cita previa.