Descripción del programa
Margaret Press, PhD is the co-founder of the DNA Doe Project (DDP), a non-profit corporation dedicated to identifying John and Jane Does through genetic genealogy. Since its inception in late 2017 the DNA Doe Project has assisted Law Enforcement in successfully identifying over 100 victims where all other efforts had failed. Margaret also serves on the Investigative Genetic Genealogy Accreditation Board, and was recently named the recipient of the 2023 National Missing and Unidentified Persons Conference (MUPC) Service Award.
In this free virtual presentation she will describe the evolution of the DNA Doe Project and the game-changing new field of Investigative Genetic Genealogy. DDP's first Jane Doe identification announcement, followed by news of the Golden State Killer arrest, forever changed the landscape for justice and for answers families wait decades to hear.
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Es necesario registrarse con anticipación - virtual
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